Astrology Natal Reading



Astrology Natal Reading


Discover your natal promise in this two hour reading with evolutionary astrologer Lisa Warninger.

In this natal chart (often called the birth chart)  reading we cover the number one most important reading in astrology: Your natal promise, what your unique chart says about who you are and what you're here for. 

We will spend two full hours diving into your natal chart wheel. We'll look at each planet along with it's aspects and discuss what it means and how it's showing up in your life. 

We will also go over past life and ancestral challenges and how to lean into your life purpose and mission. 

The natal reading can be a life changing experience and is one of the most impactful things you can do in the journey of both understanding yourself and what you're here for. The clarity it brings to your life is unmatched, I really believe that.

Having your natal chart read by a professional astrologer is your first step in your astrology journey and is a must do!



Two Hour Reading with Evolutionary Astrologer Lisa Warninger. 
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