$369.00 USD

I understand that this payment is nonrefundable. 

If I don't show up to my reading at our agreed upon time, Lisa will do a reading without me and send me the recording. 

I understand that since we won't be in conversation, that recording will be approx an hour long.

Add your Forecasting Reading to your order for a full astrology experience and a $70 bundle discount. 

You'll schedule your Natal Reading first directly after checkout.

I'll send you a link in a few days to schedule your Forecasting reading. You'll want a week or longer between readings to allow your Natal Chart Reading to integrate. 

Natal Chart Reading

Two hour reading of your natal (birth) chart 

What you'll get:

  • Two hour in depth reading
  • Discover your soul's blueprint and life mission
  • Clarity on your unique gifts and strengths 


Please Note: You will need an accurate time of birth for this reading

The greatest thing you can ever do, is to live into the highest version of yourself.  Your astrology natal chart gives you the map on how to do just that. 

This is a full reading of your entire chart. Plus, as an evolutionary astrologer, we'll look into your past story and what your chart says about your greatest mission in your life. We'll also look at the story of each planet and how it's guiding you to be the best version of yourself. 

I allow for two hours (twice the amount of time for most astrology chart readings) to give plenty of time for questions and for you to get the complete story of your chart. (You're going to love it!)

You'll leave your session feeling inspired and excited about your life's work, with clarity on your purpose and mission. 

After you complete your purchase you'll be taken to a page to schedule your Astrology Natal Reading.

About Lisa Warninger

Lisa Warninger is an evolutionary astrologer who specializes in giving in depth readings that truly help her clients uncover the deeper purpose and meaning in their lives. She has been a transformational coach for entrepreneurs for over a decade and a master clairvoyant. A forever student, she has many certifications and is versed in: Transformational Coaching, Hypnotherapy, NLP, Law of Attraction, Mindscaping, Graphology, Astrology, Numerology, Emotional Clearing, Online Marketing, Photography, Social Media, Digital Business, Funnels, and Digital Course Creation

Lisa Warninger Astrologer