Why Systems Are Always BEST

manifesting marketing Jul 18, 2021

When I first started coaching I had a hard time getting my clients to embrace systems... It's understandable, they were the type to follow their bliss, use their intuition and follow the Law Of Attraction.


Apparently that means: NO SYSTEMS


Now, don’t get me wrong, I LOVE my clients, and I love manifesting and LOA (Law Of Attraction)... but I don’t think the way it’s being followed is the way the “Universe” intended.


The universe thrives on systems, and on non linear patterns. So what does this mean for business and how can we marry these two together, that is: how can we both follow our intuition AND set up systems that create success? 


What we need to see is that… they are one in the same. If any of my clients looked deep enough, or became successful enough, they always realize that it’s the systems that they set up that creates their freedom.


So, what do I mean by that?


When there’s no system in place, chaos is the system in place. You’re scattered…. Where’s that photo I wanted to use for this opt in page? What program should I run? How will I pay my rent?


No systems always create confusion and stress. 


Sometimes following your bliss… doesn’t turn out to be blissful. Sometimes it’s actually just falling victim to the desires we want in the moment rather than the desires we want long term.


Most of what we desire in life: healthy body, financial freedom, successful businesses… most of the big goals we dream of… they take long term action. 


I’ve always loved the body as an example for teaching, because it’s so easy to understand concepts through our physical body.


Let’s say you wanted to get strong, now I mean really strong, stronger than you’ve ever been. Maybe even a six pack. Your heart says you want this, your intuition tells you YES YES YES, this is the goal for you!!! You’re going to reach this goal by taking consistent action towards that goal, and declining actions that push against that goal. 

What do I mean by that?


You’ll ask yourself this: What does my intuition tell me about reaching this goal? What's my course of action? Maybe your intuition leads you to a video about Body By Science… and you watch it, and your intuition tells you YES! Go for it. So you get a gym membership and set up your workout schedule. Then you run into a documentary about athletes eating vegan… and you’re like YES! This rings true for me, I’m going to do this. So you begin.


Now here’s where people get tripped up. This is what separates successful people from those who never reach their goals…




Yes, time. When you start your journey towards that strong body and those six pack abs you know it’s going to take some commitment and it’ll be a month, or two, or three, or… but you have to keep doing what it takes to be successful if you want to reach your destination. 


And when the temptation comes along, (oh ice cream!!!!) you have taught yourself to say no, or mostly no and most of the time you’re eating the right way for your goal.


Your business is exactly the same, you need to set up the structures and systems that WORK, you’re not reinventing any wheels here, you can use your intuition to know which path is right for you, but after that it’s dedication. It’s saying yet to putting in the work, it’s saying no to the distractions and the temptations that take you off course. It’s focus, and then it’s TIME. It’s one month, two months, or three, or… however long it takes. 


I call it “This + Time = Success”. 


‘This’ meaning the proven success plan. You set up your systems, you do the plan. Then it’s just a matter of time before you reach success. 


If you don’t quit, if you don’t self sabotage with the stuff that takes you away from success. You’ll get there. The plan and the system creates the freedom. You don’t have to think of what NEW thing you need to be doing. And you’re not flying into every whim and moving in different directions constantly. You used your intuition to guide you, now it’s time to trust it fully and give it the time and consistency to let it work it’s magic.

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